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An incomplete list of resources for discovering classical music




Scores, Youtube Scores, Youtube Scores, Performances, Publisher, Youtube Scores, Compilations, Youtube Scores, Youtube Scores, Youtube Scores, Youtube Performances, Premieres, Youtube Scores, Compilations, Youtube Performances, Youtube Scores, Youtube Performances, Youtube Performances, Youtube Scores, Performances, Youtube Scores, Youtube

A channel with score videos from mostly post-complexity and other modern composers A channel with score videos with an emphasis on romantic-era piano works, among some foundational concerto and orchestral works and The most well known contemporary classical music publisher, their website has many scores available for free and for purchase. Their Youtube likewise has score videos along with performances A channel most notible for their compilations showcasing difficult performance pieces and concertos. Videos include music from most generations of the western canon. They have also written a guide to romanticism in music, which is a great read for anyone who may be interested in this subject. The premier score channel, showcasing mainly 20th century works along with their orchestral scores. Another notible score channel, showcasing works from somewhat recent memory A channel with scores ranging from classical to modern composers, with emphasis on cantatas A group of channels which share the latest public premieres of newly composed music, often recordings from as recent as a few days after a piece's premiere (in the case of G(r)inblat). A channel similar to Caleb Hu with videos from contemporary composers, as well as compilation videos with especially difficult-to-play works A channel with performance videos from well known to obscure composers of all types. A channel with scores ranging from classical to post-complexity composers, with emphasis on large orchestral works A channel with performances from well known to especially obscure composers. A channel with performances from relatively obscure composers A channel with performances from well known to especially obscure composers with an emphasis on chinese modern classical music. A channel with score videos of works from across the 20th century, from early romantic to wiemar style.

I've spent my life listening to classical music, this page is here to introduce some of my favorite works from this genre that i've explored from corner to corner.