What we have in common is that we only see so far; we are limited in every capacity - in our own caste of perception that we live in. I am not a spiritual or religious person, I think we will never see beyond another free direction of movement. Even to you, I am a separate person - a different person than myself as I am alone.  In a new genesis I will be who I am to you, who I truly love. What I am afraid about you is that you are just like me - we may do different things, have different lives, different strengths and different flaws, but in essence the way you and I see ourselves and others around us are the same, with selfishness, regret and hatred.
What I am in love about you is that you are just like me - we both are the same system in different bodies and realities. You and I know we are so limited and yet we exist anyway. We know each other’s temporality and fragility - I just want to love you, not to fill a hole in my heart but to bring you comfort.